Tuesday 10 April 2018

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Correct posture in daily life activities


Posture is the position which holds your body upright against gravity while standing,sitting,lying down and all other activities of daily life.

  • Keep bones and joints in correct alignment.
  • Prevent spine from becoming flexed in abnormal position.
  • Prevent fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently.
  • Prevent backache and muscular pain.
Contributes to a good appearance. 

  Posture while standing.

  • Avoid slutching.
  • Straighten your body and pull your shoulder back so that your body in proper verticle line.

Posture while sitting.
  • Sit in the chair and straight your back.
  • Do not cross your legs.
  • Rest your feet on floor or footrest.

Posture while lying down or sleeping.
  • Sleep in a position that maintain your lower back.
  • Sleeping on your side with the spine straight.
  • Pillow should be under your head or your shoulder.
  • Poor pillow placing cause headache and obstructed breathing.
  • Do not sleep for down.

Posture while driving.
  • Maintain and adjust your lumber support.
  • Raise you seat up until your hips are level with your knees.
  • Allow your back to touch the backrest of the seat.

Posture while object lifting 
  • Keep your base of support wide. Your foot should be shoulder width apart.
  • Squat down, bending hips and knees only.
  • Keep your back straight, look ahead and lift the object slowly.
  • Hold the object as close your body as possible.

Posture while computer operating.
  • Push your hips as you can far back in the chair.
  • Adjust the back of the chair 100°-110° reduced angle.
  • Sit close to your keyboard.
  • Position your monitor properly.
  • Take small break while using computer.
  • Excercise your hand by pushing on top of your fingers doing backwards resistance movement.


Correct posture make you look smart and imoroves body language. It is a kind of non verbal communucation where thoughts, intensions or feeling expressed by physical behaviour.